Centralizing the human resource benefits administration from 0-1

A conceptual SaaS design solution optimized HR employee benefits administration  and enables employees to easily access their company benefits insights.

6 weeks, master's capstone
2023 Red Dot Award
2023 UX Design Award Nominee
Figma, Figjam, Miro
SCAD Students
3 other UX Designers
SCAD HR Departments
3 HR managers  |  1 Benefits Analyst
Chief of Human Resource

◦ About my role

UX Designer and team lead

As the design Lead for this master's capstone project at SCAD, I hold the accountability for product research, ideation, prototyping, user testing, and the collaboration with designers and stakeholders.

◦ The Problem

Challenge in showing total benefits package for employees

Some employee benefits such as movie tickets, laptop, or medical rx card are not listed in the contract with employees since these are companies benefits. There's a need to show employees what benefits they are having to show company's value for them.

Time consuming in employee benefits budget estimation

Most human resource managers and benefits administrators constantly struggle with budget estimation due to fluctuating costs and varying employee retention rates. This ongoing uncertainty requires frequent updates to benefits spending forecasts, which increases the administrative workload.

◦ Solution Highlights

Real-time benefits performance track

Analyze overarching benefits performance and costs, and leverage historical data to forecast the budget for the future.

Centralized benefits management system

Benefits Management automates HR administration workflows of enrollment from new hires, provides real-time benefits performance details, and distributes benefit programs to eligible employees.

◦ Employee System Solution Highlights

Streamline the benefits distribution process and show company benefits

Employees can easily view and access to their personalized benefits information, enhancing their sense of company value. The interface allows for tracking insurance expenditures and remaining balances. Additionally, employees have the option to customize their dashboard to prominently display specific benefits.

◦ Iteration Challenge in Employee System

Qualitative User Testing

The study shows that our initial designs  complicates the process for users to revisit and review benefits information later, as it increases the workload and complicates the user flow needed to complete tasks.

Hedonic Treadmill Effect

Hedonic Treadmill Effect is when human beings experience good things, such as winning a lottery, buying a new house or car, or attain a long-awaited promotion. Over time, they adapt to this new level of happiness, often leading to a desire for even more to sustain or increase that feeling.

We discovered that as the week progressed, if users were not introduced to any new experiences (interactions in interfaces), they gradually adapted to the initial level of satisfaction. This adaptation led to an increasing desire for more novel stimuli to sustain or enhance their initial positive feelings.

◦ Final Approach

Words are stronger in evoking emotions

We found out that UX Writing gives better effects into the B2B structural interfaces. We decided to maintain a card interface structure and used phrases like "NEW" and "You've got a new benefit package."

We also integrated a motion design, giving users the sensation of unwrapping a gift from the company, fostering feelings of validation and appreciation.

Final Prototype

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If you would like to learn more about my experience, feel free to shoot me a message on Linkedin or send an email to schedule a call.