Hi there, I'm Anna 🙌

I translate research into actionable designs.

Endeavor to deliver Elevated Design Experience with efficiency and ergonomic accessibility.

structural, inclusive, interactive

I'm a product (UI/UX) designer who worked on an internal sales tool powered by machine learning and LLM with Fidelity Investment. Currently a Product Design Intern at Splunk and majoring in Interactive Design (MA) at SCAD in Savannah, Georgia.

B2C Mobile - Work Experience @J3C


From concept to MVP development. I led the end-to-end design and research of the financial budgeting app that addresses the issue of cognitive overload in budgeting and categorization.
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Product Design Intern
Contracted Project @Fidelity Investment

B2B internal SaaS

To leverage the Fidelity's sales process and integrate the latest LLMs (Large Language Models) and Generative Models, we designed an internal tool in collaboration with Fidelity's AI incubator.
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UX Designer
Project's Design Lead
Conceptual B2B - Human Resource SaaS

Wise Peakon

Optimizing employee benefits offerings and revolutionize HR management and operations in the benefits sector. Designing a system to help evoke employee's sense of validation.
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Read Case Study
Read Case Study
Read Case Study
Product Designer
Design Lead

- Upcomings -

Conceptual B2C - Solar Energy app

Nova Volt

Help users reach their target payback periods for solar panels investment by integrating smart home technology, and make informed suggestions to trade excessive energy.
Read my current research progress
Read my current progress
In Progress
In Progress
UX Researcher
Product Designer
Conceptual Redesigned B2B

Centralized Token Management

To streamline the information input process and eliminate redundant steps for marketing operations professionals in Adobe Marketo.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
In Progress
In Progress
UX Researcher
Product Designer

- Other fun works -

Java Coding Project

Design Sprint Rd.

Coded in the Processing program, an animated concept introduces the Design Sprint process, from Research, Ideation, Decision, and Prototype to Validate.
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Read Case Study